· 对社会关系的变化的敏锐性(sensitivity to the possibility of change in social relations); · 推测出冲突可能引发的多种结果(acknowledge of the likelihood of multiple outcome...
2019 The Best Upscale Elite Car of New Age 领克01 2019款 获奖点评: 领克01是中国豪华SUV的代表车型,技术参数对标的是国际豪华品牌,性能达到了同级先进水平。在市场表现上,领克01也引领了同级别中国豪华SUV,成为未来中国汽车品牌升级的标杆。 最值得期待高端纯电动...
通过智能网联切入汽车行业的互联网巨头,则希望打造自己的生态圈,在未来的汽车行业中获得一定话语权。 腾讯车联产品副总经理、梧桐车联CEO潘家骅认为,智能电动汽车,才是汽车行业的未来。 “电动车是全电,变化的不仅仅是能源本身,而是整个汽车电子架构的全电驱动。传统...
A. the obstacles to preventing “short-termism”. B. the significance of long-term thingking. C. the approaches to promoting “long-termism”. D. the prevalence of short-term thinking. 25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
20.six of one and half-a-dozen of the other 半斤八两,没什么区别 21.stick around 在附近逗留或等待 22.stick with 继续做,坚持 23.straighten out 扯平,结清 24.toss and turn (身体)翻来覆去(通常表示难以入睡) 25.turn one's back(在别人遇到困难时)不愿帮助 ...
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